Change Happens
For some, “change” seems a daunting and somewhat nasty word. Think about these statements: “We’re going to change things up a bit…”; “There are some changes to the rules…”; “I changed a few ingredients in the recipe…”. Just by reading these, does your level of anxiety rise? If so, you are not alone!
It seems that just uttering the word or labeling something as a “change” can cause us to get a little worked up. And yet, change happens...Every. Single. Day. Yes, some changes are more or less impactful, but change is change. And yet, the term change resonates.
I am not immune to this. Take this story, for instance…
A few years ago, Target stores did a bit of an internal revamp and moved the areas inside their store around. I walked in one day expecting things to be one way and instead they were very different. There was a helpful sign indicating they had retooled their floor plan--Big Changes Inside! I don’t now recall what I was shopping for specifically, but I do still remember my feeling of frustration and anxiety of having to figure out where to find the items in different areas of the store. This was a major change and I felt it. It was also a fight or flight moment (fight/flight): I could have left and figured out another way to get what I was needing, or I could just push through (which is what I did--I was already at the store after all…). As I tried to get my bearings, I began to think about why this sudden and extensive change was impacting me more deeply. Target (and other stores) have frequently moved items around, forcing me to adapt along the way without much stress. But here is what hit me: this was unannounced/unanticipated, broad in scope, and specifically labeled as a change. At the time, I viewed it as an inconvenience because it took me longer to find what I needed. Well, I did persevere and felt quite accomplished as I got to my vehicle with my items.
When you are feeling overwhelmed by a change--be it anticipated or unannounced--realize that changes happen every day and that you usually manage them just fine. Reframe it with a different label--instead of “change”, try any of the following: adjustment, modification, simplification, expansion, integration, detour, and many more. These words tend to have a lesser impact on our mind and body than the word change. All of these words, including “change” simply just mean “different.” And, different is not better or worse; it’s just, well, different.
Remember this: something called out specifically as change vs something that you adapt to in the normal course of your day are not really all that dissimilar. You employ the same skills to navigate each. And, because you handle small changes in stride every day, you know you can handle any change thrown your way. Today, when I enter a Target store, I still remember my past anxiety experienced with their changes--and, I confidently travel through the store knowing where to find things, and knowing that I can adapt to any upcoming changes Target, or others, may put in place. You can invoke this same confidence in your own ability to navigate whatever change comes your way--after all, you do it every day!
If you wish to have further help in reframing change and putting plans in place to navigate what’s desired, let us know--we would be honored to assist.
Amy & Holly