Welcome to the Week of September 27!

The theme for this week is Change Happens.  We selected this because, well, change DOES happen!


What is it about the word “change” that impacts us so greatly?  Changes happen to us and around us fairly constantly and we usually don’t even notice or we adapt quite well.  What is it about this word that can launch us into stress and anxiety, putting us on edge?  With this in mind, consider these Core Contemplations for the week:

  • How do you react (body and mind) when someone says “we need to make a change”...? What are your thoughts, emotions and physical feelings?

  • How does that reaction serve you and/or your organization, pro and con?

  • What opportunities are there to reframe the interpretation or reaction to the word change or a changing circumstance? What lenses can you employ to get different perspectives?

  • How can you become the embracer or agent for the desired or necessary change? What type of leadership opportunity might it afford you?

Some words matter more than others, and we find that merely calling something out formally as a “change” can have some significant impacts. Please join us each day this week on Facebook (@CoreEndeavors) to engage and explore how building resilience to the term “change” can profoundly influence how changes, and how they are communicated, can effect you.

Have a great week!

Amy and Holly


Change Happens


Knowing When to Move On