Week of September 13, 2020

Welcome to the week of September 13th. It’s Setting the Stage Sunday!

The theme for this week is Letting Go, the first in a two-part series. We chose this topic after last week's theme of Excuses and Avoidance as for many of us, the need to let go is something we may be avoiding. Why should you care about this week’s theme? Consider the following:

  • If you have ever let go of someone or something, this topic is for you (pssst...we all have). We are always letting go of small things (purging old clothes) to big things (ending a long term relationship).

  • If you are currently wrestling with the need to let go, but don’t know how, this topic is for you.

Why can letting go be so hard? What is it within us that keeps us hangin’ on? Familiarity, comfort, fear…?

This week, we will explore the challenges and triumphs of letting go, the science behind letting go, tools and tips for you to use as you create your own plan to let go. And, of course, there may be a little humor and sarcasm along the way.

Contemplations for you as we dive into this week: In general, how do you approach letting go of things that aren’t serving you or your organization well? What opportunities do you see for change?

  • Letting people and relationships that are dysfunctional go?

  • Letting go of what others think of you?

  • Letting go of habits that aren’t aligned with how you want to live your life/operate your organization?

  • Letting go of a career path that doesn't bring fulfillment?

  • Letting go of the past?

As you ponder these questions and prepare for a new week, please join us each day this week on Facebook (@CoreEndeavors) as we progress through the week with new insights and finish with a plan for what’s next.

As a reminder, here’s the flow for the week:

Mindful Monday: We will share some mantras and/or meditations to help you center around the theme of the week. If the desired change and your/your team’s mindset can align, powerful things can happen!

Touch base Tuesday: We will explore the questions of the week, share thoughts and stories about the theme, and challenge you to do and be better than you believe possible.

Wellness Wednesday: Midweek we will share some inspiration and tips or tools that will help you focus on you as you lead yourself and/or others through change--always remember that we need to invest in ourselves in order to be there for others.

Thriving Thursday: On Thursdays we will release our weekly blog and share some additional insights surrounding the theme and questions posed earlier in the week.

Flowing Friday: We will look back and reflect on the week, asking what’s your “one thing” that you will do differently going forward and encouraging you to celebrate your growth and accomplishments this week.

Sarcastic Saturday: We will share something funny related to the weekly theme--something to get you laughing and inspire you to have fun through the weekend.

And, as we do each week, we will publish the next week’s theme, questions to ponder and scheduled postings and events on Sunday evening.

We wish you a week of discovery and peace in knowing you are focusing a few dedicated minutes of time on letting go so you can move onto what is next.

Have a great week!

Amy & Holly


Letting Go—The Four A’s


Week of September 6, 2020