Week of September 6, 2020
Welcome to the week of September 6th and Setting the Stage Sunday!
The theme for this week is Excuses and Avoidance. We selected this because we know sometimes we can hold ourselves back from experiencing the changes we so desperately desire. Consider the following:
Why do we avoid certain things?
Why is discomfort so difficult?
Why is different deemed as default negative?
This week we will explore our adversity to change--our tendencies to make excuses or avoid it altogether.
Consider these Core Contemplations as you begin your week:
Why might you want to avoid making desired changes? What could be holding you back at your core? Reflect back on other changes in your life to gain insight.
How can you turn fear into focus and a spark to light a change fire?
How can obstacles be seen or turned into opportunities?
What might be at stake personally or for your organization if the desired changes are not enacted?
Ask yourself “what if…?” and explore the possibilities.
Please join us each afternoon this week on Facebook (@CoreEndeavors) to engage as follows:
Mindful Monday: We will share some mantras and/or meditations to help you center around the theme of the week. If the desired change and your/your team’s mindset can align, powerful things can happen!
Touchbase Tuesday: We will explore the questions of the week, share thoughts and stories about the theme, and challenge you to do and be better than you believe possible.
Wellness Wednesday: Midweek we will share some inspiration and tips or tools that will help you focus on you as you lead yourself and/or others through change--always remember that we need to invest in ourselves in order to be there for others.
Thriving Thursday: On Thursdays we will release our weekly blog and share some additional insights surrounding the theme and questions posed earlier in the week.
Flowing Friday: We will look back and reflect on the week, asking what’s your “one thing” that you will do differently going forward and encouraging you to celebrate your growth and accomplishments this week.
Sarcastic Saturday: We will share something funny related to the weekly theme--something to get you laughing and inspire you to have fun through the weekend.
And, as we do each week, we will publish the next week’s theme, questions to ponder and scheduled postings and events on Sunday evening.
We appreciate you taking these weekly journeys with us! This week, dig deeply into yourself and/or your organization to build awareness about what may be holding you back from what you really desire.
Have a great week!
Amy and Holly