Introduction to our weekly information flow…


At Core Endeavors, we feel that each week is an opportunity to start fresh while continuing the work already begun. In order to provide some focus, each Sunday we will lay out a theme and specific topics for each day of the week to provide you a combination of new information, reframes, inspiration, challenges and fun. Each week will follow this path:

  • Setting the Stage Sunday: Sundays will lay out the entire week at a glance with a theme that brings it all together. In addition, we will pose a few questions for you to ponder that will be revisited over the course of the week.

  • Mindful Monday: Starting the week by centering or grounding can really provide the foundation for a more balanced week. We will provide mantras, meditations, inspirations and encouragement for beginning the week with gratitude and grace, for yourself and others.

  • Touch-base Tuesday: On Tuesdays we will revisit the questions posed on Sunday, challenging you to dig deeper and connect with yourself and others at a core level.

  • Wellness Wednesday: Midweek, we will take time out for ourselves! Our own self-care is so important in navigating life and allowing us to bring our best selves to each situation and relationship.

  • Thriving Thursday: Thursdays will bring another intentional connection to the theme and questions of the week, providing an insightful blog on our website and tools, tips, resources and ideas to help you dig deeper into finding the real answers to the weekly questions.

  • Flowing Friday: Friday is all about reflection. We will encourage you to look back on the week to reflect upon what you have learned or accomplished, what you have released, and help you celebrate progress along your transformation pathway.

  • Sarcastic Saturday: Working on ourselves so we can bring the best parts of us to life and work can be both exhilarating and exhausting. On Saturday, we’ll take a bit of time to laugh and find humor in what surrounds us.

We will post the weekly theme and schedule on Sunday afternoon in the blog section on our website, on our Facebook page and on LinkedIn. Please like and follow us on Facebook to get the detail of each day—that is the platform where the magic will happen!

Life is a journey—one week, one day, one hour and one minute at a time. Having a framework and a friend can allow for easier and more enjoyable navigation of the hills and valleys along the way. Consider Core Endeavors your partner for success and reach out to learn how we can customize an approach to help you or your organization truly thrive!


Week of September 6, 2020


So, What Are You Waiting For?