Out with the Old and In with the New…
I’m all for aligning desired change with natural cycles and cadences, and this New Year transition offers quite a powerful shift to harness. While the whole “out with the old…in with the new” perspective that each January brings can be motivating, I’m not a fan of hardcore resolutions which many times inadvertently sabotage our desires. What I suggest is to embrace this time with new lenses and filters to find new opportunities for growth and shed what’s not serving you well.
Menopause itself is a time of change and it’s easy to get caught up in what used to be (longing) or would be ideal (wishing), or to lose hope altogether (despondency). The annual calendar transition can function as the “pause” in your Menopausability™ that allows some reflection and resetting. By applying a broad and specific lens to what’s needed for your menopause journey, you can better ensure your choices align with your desires, motivations, and capabilities. Sure, having goals or objectives is helpful, and so is making sure they are meaningful and reasonable so that they strike a balance between what’s truly desired and realistically attainable.
Here is how I’m approaching the transition from one year to the next as it relates to my own Menopausability™. For the last few years I have been dealing with some musculoskeletal issues that can be painful, limiting, and very frustrating. Though I’m setting what appear to be achievable physical fitness goals, they seem virtually impossible to meet. The truth is, even many years into my menopause journey and several years past menopause itself, I’m still adjusting to what I’m currently able to accomplish. Frankly, it sucks sometimes and I have bad days that leave me feeling defeated. In those moments, I remind myself that while I’m not able to do some of what I have in the past or all that I’d like, I’m still able to do a lot and my body will help guide me. It can be easy to focus on what’s limiting instead of the possibilities of achievable balance.
So, this month I evaluate where I am, where I’d like to be, and several ways that I may get as close as possible to those desired outcomes–these are my filters and lenses focused on goals and objectives. My approach is:
OUT with the things I know aren’t working
IN with some things I know will be helpful
INVESTIGATE different approaches and tools
LEARN new things I’m interested to try
It’s about being curious and vulnerable while staying realistic. While this can be frustrating, more times than not it provides a steady course toward improvement and ongoing progress, which can lead to powerful wins and helpful motivation.
As you look forward into 2025, how can you prepare to make impactful and lasting changes in your Menopausability™?
What lenses can you explore (how can you see things differently)?
What filters can you apply (what’s reasonable–you can’t do everything…)?
What are your priorities (consider the 5 Menopause Mainstays)?
What reasonable and incremental goals can you set (steady and achievable progress)?
What does success really look and feel like (for you…not for others)?
What flexibility, patience or support might you need (how can you be most successful)?
How will you approach setbacks or roadblocks? (see if/then blog for more info and ideas)
How will you celebrate achievements along the way (Yay YOU!)?
As we say goodbye to the old and hello to the new, consider embracing the momentum that comes through the transition from one year to the next. With a positive mindset, healthy habits, and a plan with clear and reasonable end goals defined, you can create new energy to better thrive in this next year and throughout this chapter of your life.
Here’s an idea💡: consider giving yourself the gift of coaching to help you get clear, stay focused and accountable, and to recognize and celebrate big and small achievements. Remember that you don’t need to navigate your menopause journey alone–I’d be honored to travel the road beside you as your guide and cheerleader. Reach out for a free exploratory call to see the powerful impacts my coaching can make. Mention this blog to receive a 5% discount on any coaching package you choose!