The 5 Menopause Mainstays
The menopause journey is unique for every woman. While shared symptoms certainly exist, we are all different, with varying situations, skills, abilities, desires, and access. We can learn about and explore what is recommended by or works for others–-and each of us is largely paving our own unique road through menopause. This is our Menopausability!
I have learned a great deal about menopause through research and experience and have distilled this knowledge and wisdom into five major areas of health and wellbeing that impact the menopause continuum. While these 5 Menopause Mainstays are paramount to a more positive menopause journey, they apply in different ways to every person regardless of age or gender identification, and attention to them can help everyone live a happier, healthier life.
image credit: ren-ran/unsplash
Each mainstay stands alone like a pillar and is also in concert with the others, forming a strong interconnected menopause wellbeing foundation. They are specifically ordered to achieve the most significant and lasting results by starting with the first and building through to the fifth and each description contains a few ideas to get you going. Beginning with any Mainstay will provide more support and results than ignoring them all because you find some are more difficult, intimidating or less interesting than others (I get that!). Just start somewhere.
The 5 Menopause Mainstays
1. Mindfulness—Intention and Mental Health Support: Everything you do begins with your mind and mindset. Being intentional with time, energy, thoughts, language, and overall choices can help ensure that you are focused on the elements of your life that really matter. Supporting your mental health in ways that help you feel confident, resilient, and grateful can make a big difference as you approach lifestyle changes that reduce stress and increase joy.
Meditate or practice slow, methodical breathing 1 - 3 times per day for as little as 30 seconds (more is better!).
Get clear on why you are doing, saying, and thinking what you are—be sure there is alignment with how you want to feel and act and that the stories you are telling yourself are accurate and truthful.
Find a mental health practitioner who understands the symptoms and experiences of menopause and will incorporate tools and techniques that work for you.
2. Rest—Relaxation and Sleep: Minimizing stress and maximizing calmness and capability are keys to managing menopausal symptoms. Understanding yourself and what allows you to “power down” from what winds you up will help you regulate your body and mind. Plenty of additional rewards will be gained from prioritizing sound sleep (7 - 9 hours most nights!), including more mental and physical energy, better thought flow and decision-making, and kinder approaches to yourself and others.
Schedule in time to disconnect from electronics—read a book, listen to music, talk with a friend.
Get outside—have a picnic, go for a leisurely walk or bike ride.
Establish a consistent bedtime routine that emphasizes calmness and comfort.
3. Connection—Community and Career: While spending time alone can help you rest and refuel, interacting with others and finding purpose will also help to nourish you along your menopause journey. Being intentional (see Mainstay #1!) about connecting to your family, community, workplace, and elsewhere can positively impact your health and happiness.
Meet others out for healthy meals or cook for them in your home.
Volunteer for an organization in your neighborhood or town.
Get to know coworkers and reach out to them for brainstorming or project collaboration.
4. Nutrition—Healthy Food and Supplements: What we put into our bodies fuels us throughout each day. You can make a big difference on your menopause symptoms if you ensure that on most days and for most meals you select whole, healthy foods. You can also fortify your muscles, bones, and internal systems when you increase protein and fiber and decrease refined foods, sugar and alcohol. Certain supplements, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D3, magnesium glycinate or chloride, some herbal remedies, and Menopause Hormone Therapy (MHT) may also have a positive impact for you (note: consult your physician before taking any supplements or hormones).
Prioritize eating lean protein, fruits, veggies and whole grains at most meals.
Eat primarily when hungry and stop when you begin to feel full (it can be so hard to ignore “the munchies”!).
Subscribe to healthy cooking sites to make food selection and preparation easier and more enjoyable.
5. Movement—Exercise and Fitness: As we age, particularly throughout the menopause continuum, staying fit becomes differently important. Movement of any type will benefit you (motion is lotion!), however it may be time to change up your exercise routines—building strength, balance and flexibility are the priorities now while also minimizing the stress on your body.
Do resistance or strength training 2 - 3 times per week.
Add some yoga or other stretching into your weekly routine.
Get 20 - 30 minutes of mild-to-moderate cardio most days of the week.
Experiment with the Mainstay areas. Start with #1–find something there that works for you and build upon it. Or pick the Mainstay that seems most interesting or within the easiest reach for you today. If you like the results you are getting then keep going; if you are dissatisfied, adjust and try again. The great thing is that there is no right or wrong way to go about this—start somewhere with something and learn, adjust or expand from there.
image credit: johannes plenio/unsplash
Knowing the information is only part of the path forward—the other part is applying what you learn. Some will be able to travel this journey independently and others may benefit from a trusted resource to help with information, structure, motivation and accountability—that’s where coaching comes in. I can help you build and follow a path that works for you—reach out for a free initial conversation to see if menopause coaching is a good solution for you.
The 5 Menopause Mainstays are foundational elements to leading an overall healthy life. By ensuring specific and intentional focus in each area during your pre-, peri- and post-menopausal years, you can reduce or eliminate menopause symptoms, increase strength and balance, decrease stress, and craft a fulfilling and joyful life. Most importantly, you’re worth it!