Grounded in Gratitude

A new year is once again upon us…

For many, a new year signifies a new beginning; a time to start fresh and make goals for the year. Sometimes we achieve these goals, and other times we fall short. No matter what the year brings for you, practicing gratitude is a staple that will leave you feeling more grounded and can remind you of what matters most in life; usually these are the simple everyday moments that we don’t always notice.

Have you ever gone through your day on autopilot or with a constant loop of thinking about what’s for dinner, what’s on your “to do” list this week, when and where do the kids need to be, etc? There are many variables that can cause stress and worry for us as we raise families, work full times jobs, take care of parents, and so on. We all deserve the space to keep ourselves grounded.

If you make just one goal for the year, grounding yourself with gratitude can make all the difference between feeling like the ground is shifting and you have no control, and feeling a better sense of self, which is really one of the main things we can control!

Last month, Core Endeavors hosted a webinar where we shared ideas for building a gratitude practice. We invite you to check out this 30 minute gem here to learn different ways you can build a gratitude practice into your daily life.

As always, we wish you well as you begin your year with a fresh outlook at the possibilities that lie ahead!

Holly & Amy


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