Embracing Uncertainty
photo credit: paolo nicolello/unsplash
As we continue to emerge from pandemic times, many feelings may swirl: curiosity, frustration, fear, excitement and more. While each of these is unique unto itself, they all encompass some uncertainty.
Uncertainty comes when we are unsure, when we are lacking knowledge, skills, abilities, experience to feel comfortable or confident in what to think or feel or how to act or react. It’s a big part of life, and something especially highlighted right now. Uncertainty can slow us down (or stop us completely!) and it can also motivate us to move ahead--the key is to find harmony in both.
When you find yourself experiencing uncertainty, we offer a few tips on how to move through it:
Resist Resistance: Another way to say this is to Accept Acceptance. Sometimes our natural instinct is to put up a wall, to judge, to protect against what we don’t yet know. If you can practice letting go of that resistance and leaning into acceptance--of whatever is happening--you may feel some release and relief. Acceptance is not agreement--it means that you are not going to fight against something, thus preserving your mental and physical energy for other things.
Take Care of Yourself: While we can’t always predict or control what is happening around us, we can have more control over how we treat ourselves. Be kind to yourself. Eat healthy foods. Exercise. Get enough sleep and down time. Do things that bring you joy. Respecting yourself and your foundational needs will help you have strength and flexibility to keep moving forward.
Reflect on the Past: Remind yourself that you can handle uncertainty or difficult things. Think about past times where you have persevered, challenges you have conquered. Reinforce to yourself that you have been in these situations in the past and that they are generally not as challenging as originally anticipated and remember that you made it through (sometimes in glorious fashion!).
Get Curious: It’s possible that the uncertainty is holding you back from something wonderful. Get into a “what if” mindset: “what if I followed this path…”; “what if I could take one step forward”... Think about what you don’t know and lean into it--research it a bit, talk to others. More information or different perspectives may give you the boost you need to shed some discomfort.
The most important tip is to be honest with yourself and others—see our previous blog posts on vulnerability:'
It’s ok to say that you are scared, irritated, stressed, uncertain. We have all been there and will be there again. And, by enacting the tips above, you may find that this bout of uncertainty becomes a little less so. We sure hope that is the case!
And, remember that a coach can be an important partner in getting through tougher times. We at Core Endeavors are change coaches, helping you move from what’s now to what’s next. You don’t have to tackle your dreams and challenges alone--contact us to dismantle uncertainty and take your next bold step toward what’s next.
Be well,
Amy and Holly