Your Core Sweet Spot

“Pay attention to the timeless core of your being”--Deepak Chopra you hear it?  Your core is knocking and it wants to come out!

In the Super Power of Values-Based Decision Making we spent time thinking about our core values.  Identifying what they are is a great place to begin.  Next stop—we peel back the layers to reveal your core—the fire that burns deep within your unique soul and sets your strengths free for the world to see.

Most of us know the importance of strengthening our physical core and building the muscles that surround the mid-portion of our bodies; stomach, back, upper thighs, and booty.  When we spend time strengthening this core area, our entire bodies experience a positive change.  We build a strong foundation that allows us to balance, squat to pick up heavy items, improve our posture, and generally aids in our overall physical well-being.  The core is considered the powerhouse of your physical body.  It is also the powerhouse of your entire being—mind and body.  Knowing who you are, at your core, will lead you to the life you desire.  The answers are there, but you may have to dig to find them.

All the values that are important to you surround your core.  Think of your core as the “sweet spot,” where habit and perspective changes are lasting and life long.  You have comfort in knowing who you are, and are living a life fully aligned with your strengths and values.  

But HOW do you get to your core? 


Finding that sweet spot means asking yourself questions you might be avoiding because it is “safer” to stick to the surface.  Maybe you are in a dead end job, not at all using your top skills or strengths, and rather than explore what it is that really fuels your core, you continue on with the soul sucking work. Why do you stick with it? There are likely many reasonable answers (you make great money, you have the flexibility to care for your kids, etc.). However, you are doing yourself a disservice if you are not asking yourself the questions to understand what’s driving you. Sometimes it is scary to think about what our best lives look like or what lies deep inside because it likely means making some changes that involve long term habits or ways of operating in which we have become accustomed and comfortable.  It could also be that peeling back the layers is painful because it may mean moving on from a relationship, a job, or some other fixture in your life. 

Ask yourself the three following questions, and pay attention to the answers:

1- What are my top 5 values?

2- What are my top 5 strengths?

3- How is the life I am living aligned with my values and strengths?

Taking the time to honestly answer these questions can help you begin to see what changes you need to make and live in a way that frees your core and allows you to to take action towards your best life.  You have the answers; you just need to pay attention to what they are telling you. Over time, consistently tapping into your strengths and values as you go about your days will allow this muscle to engage organically without even thinking about it. This is when you will fully realize the power of your core.

Core Endeavors has tools and resources to help you discover your values, strengths, and much more.  Let us know how we can help.


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