The Super Power of Values Based Decisions
Do you struggle with setting goals, sticking to them, or even making decisions? Do you get stuck when it comes to moving forward or taking action on the goals you set for yourself?
Whether little or big goals or decisions, we are faced with choices on the daily. Pumpkin Spice or Chai Latte…blue or green earrings…online shopping or mask up and brave the store…buy the house or stay put? So. Many. Decisions.
We constantly find ourselves in situations that require some level of decision making. When the stakes are high, decisions understandably are tougher to make. And when the decision has finally been made, have you beat yourself up for your choice? Maybe you choose a healthier response and accept the mistake and quickly move on. Whatever the case, defining your core values can lead to easier decisions in all aspects of life.
Values are like your internal compass, pointing you in the right direction, helping you set and conquer your goals like a boss. Think of them as your guiding principles. If bravery is one of your core values and you don’t stand up for someone in need, you may feel guilty because you acted in a way that was incongruent with one of your core values. If flexibility is a core value for you and your boss tells you to stop working on the proposal you just spent hours on to pivot to another priority. You may feel slightly annoyed, but quickly shift your focus. You will probably feel pretty confident with how you handled that situation without second guessing yourself. This is how incredibly powerful it can be to know your core values, and operate in a way that is aligned to them.
If you are the leader of an organization, are your values clear to your employees? Do you speak of them often, and include others in developing and refining them as needed? These core values should be a clear set of principles that make up the operating rules of the organization; behaviors, actions, and citizenship expectations of the organization, just to name a few. To truly infuse these into and transform your culture, you must:
Define your core values;
Communicate them widely and frequently;
Establish expectations and accountabilities around them;
Refine as needed.
If you are striving for personal growth, similarly, try defining your values concretely and referring back to them whenever you are faced with making a challenging decision. As you start incorporating this practice into your life, decision making will become more natural.
Decisions can be hard; not knowing your core values makes decision making more difficult than it needs to be. We are here to help you sort through the noise so you can confidently choose what’s next!