New Year, New You!
What if you could reinvent yourself? Not that you are not totally amazing as you are right now, because you are! And as wonderful as we know we are, we generally have things we wish to edit, adjust or inspire about ourselves or our lives to align more closely with our values and how we want to show up in the world. For some, the entry into a New Year signifies a time to usher out old habits, relationships, jobs, wardrobes and more, as well as invite in their replacements or next iterations. Whether or not the start of 2021 inspires these thoughts and feelings in you, consider the following mini self-evaluation to as a launchpad.
Stop-Start-Continue-Modify (SSCM) is a framework we use frequently with individual coaching clients and during team development or strategic planning facilitation. It allows some reflection and some dreaming in a way that doesn’t feel overwhelming. Let’s explain… Pick a topic—something about yourself, a relationship with another, your job or career, a habit or hobby, your organization’s culture…just about anything. Now, consider these evaluative steps:
photo credit: ava sol/unsplash
Stop: What do you want to stop doing? What isn’t serving you well, bringing you joy, helping you or your area of life be what you want and know it can be?
Start: What do you want to start doing? What have you been putting off, neglecting, or been afraid to try?
Continue: What is working well for you? What habits, activities, mindsets, tools, etc. really make life easier or more joyful? What do you want to make sure you maintain?
Modify: What is going ok, or works for you at times, but you know could be more powerful or helpful with an adjustment?
Make a list within each category. It does not need to be all-inclusive—start with the items that immediately come to mind. Then, pick ONE THING in one area to focus on. You can pick more than one, however the power of this is to identify the needs and the avenues to change and go at them incrementally, giving time and space to experiment and build new habits, routines and support structures.
Still struggling? Here’s an example that resonates with many people: I want to read more books. In order to do this, I can:
Stop filling my time with things like watching tv/movies or engaging so much in social media platforms.
Start scheduling 15-30 minutes each day for reading (and stick to that schedule!).
Continue to have several books available from which to choose so that I can align my reading with my mood or mindset.
Modify my expectations of what it means to be “a reader”—a little bit each day certainly counts!
Once you break it down into smaller nuggets with some specific support, the desired results become more attainable.
Now it’s your turn: How can you use the SSCM framework to make some changes in your life or lifestyle that will serve you well into 2021 and beyond?
If you need help further exploring this or want other change process support, please reach out—we can be that accountability partner for setting your dreams and desires in motion!
Be Well in the New Year,
Amy and Holly