From What’s Now to What’s Next™: Plans, Goals and More
photo credit: john baker/unsplash
As we enter December it signals that the year 2020 is drawing to a close. And while most years contain some things we have to surmount, 2020 has provided many opportunities to adapt and overcome! Our December theme is about plans, goals and contingencies, all a part of life and areas of focus for many as one year closes and another begins.
Where do you start? There are many approaches to setting goals and putting them into action. At Core Endeavors we generally subscribe to the following path: reflect, dream, plan, set goals, ensure contingencies/alternate plans, execute, adjust along the way, and have fun while doing it all.
We encourage you to do some preparatory precontemplation as you approach any annual transitional plans:
What accomplishments have you made? What are you most proud of and why?
What lessons and skills have you learned? How might you apply them going forward?
What hopes/dreams/ideas have not yet been fully realized? Why not?
What are your strengths/gifts/talents? What do you do well with little effort?
What are your core values? What matters most to you and why?
What are your ongoing responsibilities? Your priorities? How do you know?
What brings you joy and feeds your energy? What brings you down?
What do you want to do more of? Less of? How might that be possible?
This week is all about reflecting and dreaming and our Thursday blog will provide some insight and inspiration toward these. In the meantime, take some stock, make some lists, get in touch with your feelings and join us on the evolutionary journey into the New Year.
Be Well and Dream Big,
Amy and Holly