Stuck in the Starting Blocks: Reigniting Passion When You Can’t Find Your Spark
A while ago, a friend shared that she was excited (and relieved!) to have found her passion, but was struggling with how to kindle the mindset or energy to dive in. She said, “I’m fully interested and engaged, but I find myself uninspired to get started”. We've all been there, buzzing with an idea or a cause: a book to write, a business to build, a skill to master, an adventure to plan, or a volunteer role to take. The mind races with possibilities, a thrilling movie trailer for future success. Then, reality sets in. The blank page taunts or mocks. The to-do list feels like a mountain. Doubt creeps in. Inspiration takes a nosedive, and you're left staring at the starting blocks, sneakers laced and enthusiasm hiding in the shadows.
This isn't a sign that you're a fraud or your dream is a dud. It's simply the nature of the creative beast. Every gardener knows a seed needs fertile ground and nurturing to sprout into a healthy plant. Here's the good news: reigniting the spark is totally doable, and not just for yourself, but for your team as well.
Remember Why You Started
Imagine your excitement at the idea's inception. What ignited your passion? Was it the problem you'd solve, the beauty you'd create, the impact you'd make, or the fulfillment you’d gain? Reconnect with that initial inspiration - your core reason for "why."
For your team, did you present a problem that resonated with them? Remind them of the positive change they're working towards. Let's say you're a marketing team brainstorming a new campaign. Was it the chance to connect with a new audience or create a social media buzz? Rekindle that shared purpose.
Find Inspiration
Inspiration isn't a mythical creature lurking in mountain caves. It hides in the everyday. Take a walk in nature, brainstorm over lunch, meditate, or visit a museum exhibit. Let the world surprise you.
Spark something new for your team: a competitor's successful campaign could inspire a fresh direction; an unsolicited customer comment might spark a new solution; a documentary about a similar situation or story could ignite creative problem-solving or a swirl of ideas.
Break it Down
Feeling overwhelmed is a surefire inspiration-killer. Separate the daunting goal into smaller, bite-sized tasks. Instead of "launch a marketing campaign," aim for "brainstorm key messages this week" and "design mockups next week." If you are planning a big trip, remodeling your home, or taking on a new hobby, map out big steps to create a path to follow—the details will fill in as you go. Recognize or celebrate each completed step, no matter how small (yay YOU!).
Still feeling the pressure?
Breathe and reset! Be careful of “shoulding” on yourself and instead consider what you “could” do—this opens you or your team up to possibility instead of feeling obligated.
Take breaks! Stepping away for a bit can refresh perspective and allow inspiration to sneak back in. Play a game, take a walk, simply chat with your team or phone a friend—sometimes the best ideas come from unexpected activities, places or people.
Follow your flow! When the flame begins to ignite, fan it a bit to see how it spreads and bask in the glow.
Remember, every journey begins with a single step and even the most epic creations started as a small spark. Rekindle yours, or that of your team, and watch your passion ignite the path to your dream!