It’s the Week of October 18, 2020

Our theme this week is on Change Readiness.  What does it mean to be ready for change?  Are we ever really TRULY ready?  Do you find yourself looking for a “sign” or indication that the time for change has come?  Part of understanding change readiness is understanding more about the change process and what each step entails.  While there are many models and theories of change and change management, we like the one established by Prochaska and DiClemente called the Trans-Theoretical Model of Change.  

There are six stages to this model, each providing an important step in the change process.  Each also corresponds to a level of readiness for and engagement with the change:

  1. Pre-contemplation: lack of awareness and/or no intent to change--not ready

  2. Contemplation:  aware of a problem or issue but no real desire for plans or actions--becoming ready

  3. Preparation:  resonance of an issue and intent to take action--ready

  4. Action:  actively addressing the behavior/issue--active engagement

  5. Maintenance:  problem addressed, new behaviors in place, sustained change achieved--active flow

  6. Relapse:  old habits, patterns recur and replace achieved changes--risk of complete restart

Ok, so this theoretical and scientific stuff is interesting, but what does this really mean regarding how ready you may be to make a desired (or even imposed) change?  Basically, unless your hair is literally on fire or you are SUPER excited about making or taking part in a change, you typically have to warm up to it, at least a bit.  This week, we will explore change readiness and provide you with some tips and things to think about, beginning with this week’s contemplations:

  • How do you know you are ready to make or accept a change?

  • What steps do you typically take in preparing for change?

  • How comfortable can you be with a bit of discomfort while anticipating a pending/needed change?

  • Following a change implementation, how often do you say to yourself, “that wasn’t so bad!”?

As we think about changes to come, we are actually more prepared for the changes than we think we are.  It’s about taking that first step and getting out of your own way!

Join us each day this week on Facebook for more on Change Readiness!

And, as you think about making changes in your personal life or within your workplace, Core Endeavors can be that change partner that will not only help you prepare for the change, but also navigate a change process that brings about your desired results.

Have a great week!

Amy and Holly


Is Your Organization Ready for Change?


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