Gratitude at Home

Separation of home and work life has never been more blurred. Some spend so much time at home right now, it might be hard to relish in the goodness and comfort of being there. Your own work deadlines, meetings, phone calls, etc. Then, sprinkle in your kid in the next room calling for you because their laptop is frozen during a Science class—and, maybe your spouse is working at the kitchen table during your lunch, chomping on what was supposed to be tonight’s dinner, when all you want is a break to eat in peace.

Does this scenario or something similar sound familiar? You are definitely not alone. And the pleasant feelings you once felt as you pulled your car into the driveway after a long day physically working at your place of employment, have all melted away. Your house has become associated with chaos and stress at times and there isn’t enough space and separation from your dear, sweet, loving family. And even if you continue to work outside of your home, sometimes it is easy to lose sight of all the goodness that lives inside your domain.

There is an answer for reclaiming the peace and joy you once felt as you entered your home after a long day away…and, why yes, it is called gratitude.

Feeling restless or in need of a good dose of positivity?

Take Five—Steps to Finding Gratitude:

1—Take a step back. Especially as you begin feeling stress or negative thoughts beginning to overtake your mind and body.

2—-Take a breath (or several). You can try “box breathing” to center yourself: Breathe in for four counts, hold for four counts, breathe out for four counts, hold for four counts. Repeat as needed or desired to allow time to ground yourself in the present.

3—Take a mental note. What automatic thoughts come to mind about your day? Reframe negative thoughts that may come, especially about your home environment or those within it.

4—Take a memory tour. Recall what you love, what makes you happy, why you married your spouse, what makes you proud of your kids, what makes you proud of you. Now, remind yourself that these memories are realities of the present moment.

5—Take the opportunity to express your gratitude. Write it down, tell your child you are proud of them, tell your significant other you would choose them all over again, snuggle your pet, and most importantly—thank yourself for Taking Five to feel and express the love.

Finally, take a break. Change environments if at all possible. A brisk walk on a crisp fall day, or simply sitting outside for a few minutes may be just what you need to recenter and remind yourself of all the good. A break from your environment can help provide you with a fresh perspective and may be the mental health respite needed to reboot your mind.

Be well,

Holly & Amy


“Thanks”giving and Gratitude


A Life of Gratitude