Care and Wellbeing: A Holistic Approach
photo credit: brett jordan/unsplash
We cannot stress enough how important care and wellbeing are. Especially now, as the world tries to return to “normal” following a funky two-and-a-half years of navigating life during a pandemic. And while we are cautiously optimistic that increased awareness, proven precautions and new immunizations will keep us healthy, our minds are swirling with information and exhaustion in all aspects of life.
Core Endeavors approaches our relationships with care and wellbeing at the center—the “core”. While we may be engaged for one-on-one coaching focused on career transitions, or beginning a consulting partnership around organizational design or leadership development, we assess and navigate with a much broader lens: one of holistic care and wellbeing. We know that making a change in one area of life or business can impact other areas in intended and unintended ways. By anticipating and adapting to these pushes and pulls, we help build awareness and incorporate varied approaches to meeting needs that arise along the way. You can do this for yourself too.
Life is complex, with many roles and responsibilities. If you spend too much time in one area, things can flare elsewhere and derail you from your intended area of focus, leaving you feeling scared, off-balance, unsatisfied, and sometimes plain old grouchy. What can you do?
Meet yourself, your team/family, or your organization where you/they are: acknowledge the situations and influences and just sit with them–no judgment, no fixing.
Assess the situation: what’s going well, what’s not going well, and in what areas might there be more natural opportunities for change?
Breathe deeply: when stress is high, your breath will naturally shorten and tighten, meaning there is less oxygen available for your brain and body to use. Taking the time periodically for a minimum of 2-3 deep, slow breaths in and out while relaxing your shoulders can work wonders for tolerance, creativity and wellness.
Pick one thing: select something specific to focus on and put your time and energy there. We recognize that people typically have many things they are managing simultaneously; even in that circumstance, starting with one thing, even briefly, can give you confidence, stability and stamina to address the rest of what’s in need.
Take time off: this can seem counterintuitive or counterproductive–why would you take time off when there is a lot to do? Like taking a deep breath, taking time off–even just a little–and engaging in something very different that relaxes you or brings you joy will cleanse your palate and allow you to re-engage with renewed energy (think of it like a bit of sorbet between dinner courses).
Ask for help: remember that you don’t have to do things alone. It can take courage to ask for assistance and pushing through the discomfort that may accompany asking for help may be the biggest gift you can give yourself. Remember that vulnerability is a strength far more often than it is a weakness.
Celebrate the successes: even the smallest steps forward deserve some accolades. Anything can qualify as a celebration: a high five or fist bump, a happy dance, lunch or dinner out, a gift, or even sitting quietly with intention and honoring the accomplishment before moving on to what’s next.
Finally, give yourself grace. As we have said, life can be complicated and complex. You will have frustrations, disappointments and challenges. Don’t beat yourself up–instead just love and respect yourself for all that you are.
Similar to that song about “the hip bone’s connected to the leg bone”, all areas of our lives–personal and professional–are connected. When one is in distress it impacts the others which influences our overall physical and mental health. By approaching life as one big, glorious, adventure with highs and lows, and knowing you have tools to address what comes your way, you can achieve greater harmony and wellbeing. Breathe–you’ve got this!